Service, Experience, & Product Design Templates

Research Website FigJam Wireframes

Use this research and education website wireframe to start the conversation live with stakeholders about information architecture, design principles, and customer-focused strategy. Copy this free FigJam file and repurpose the sections for your desired b2c or b2b user...

Logarithmic Product Roadmap

Logarithmic Product Roadmap

This Logarithmic Product Roadmap allows its users to facilitate collaboration across shorter Agile workflows and longer-term business planning workflows. Activities can be arranged in higher fidelity to the left and fuzzy fidelity to the right. If we imagine the first...

Universal empathy map template

Universal empathy map template

The empathy map is foundational to the field of design. It helps us catalog and categorize user thinking, feeling and action. Using the template below within interview and sorting activities allows for a more nuanced consideration of the informant's position. It is...

Mindful business model canvas

Mindful business model canvas

Facilitating entrepreneurs to build social benefit apps with Applications for Good and with user experience design at MIT, I adapted the now-classic Business Model Canvas. The tool and underlying theory create a simple stepped methodology for identifying and mapping...