Design Dynamo

Generate value, reduce risk, and create better.

Customer experiences, system processes, and change management for .com, .org, and .gov.


Evolve challenges into opportunities with human-centered, system-aware inquiry.


Ignite cross-functional reflection and collaboration to spark emergent possibilities.


Unify from across the enterprise, share a common story, and make together.

Design Dynamo @isarthurgrau

Selected human-centered and system-centered methods applied during each phase of the Dynamo.

Frame the challenge. Gather people and resources.

Human activities

One-minute mind,
Ten-minute mind,
25/5 time box.

System activities

Container building,
Challenge brief,
How Might We statement.

Empathize with users & learn system dynamics.

Human activities

Empathy walk,
Sensing journeys,
Universal empathy map.

System activities

Ride alongs, shadowing,
Journals, sorting,
System diagram.

Organize, themes, surface insights, & discover opportunities.

Human activities

Body scanning,
Motion mindfulness,
Journaling, sketching.

System activities

Affinity maps,
Journey maps,
3D mapping.

Propose new ideas, fail often, & evaluate viability.

Human activities

Generative listening,
Body scanning,
Stuck practice.

System activities

Lo-Fi, rapid prototype,
Service blueprint,
4D mapping.

Build, create, prototype, make.

Human activities

Gifting & gratitude,
Circular breathing,
Laughing, sharing meals.

System activities

Service blueprint,
Playable prototype,

Test, train, document, and repeat.

Human activities

Box breathing,
Body scanning,
Gratitude activities.

System activities

User testing,
Hifi prototypes,
User training.


Special Projects

Gratitude_x – How gift economy influences learner attitudes in a massive open online course

Abstract Massive Open Online Courses or MOOCs have grown in membership and influence since their introduction at the beginning of the 21st century. Research on these courses and their communities has focused primarily on learning outcomes for participants and economic...

@2:50 daily insight experience

Almost everything works better again, unplugged for a bit, including our minds.For continuous integration and continuous development, regular daily mindfulness practices are essential. Our inner states of mind influence and impact the outer worlds we live and work...

Peculiar Produce – The Alphabet Book

Peculiar Produce presents opportunities to learn about uncommon foods and discover the names of children from different cultures. With its alliterative text and aspirational vocabulary, the book encourages discussion around variety in fruits and vegetables while...

Designers see the future – to find insights

Originally published at MassArt Design Innovation (updated here) Designers see the future, specifically when surfacing insights. Seeing the end is a multi-step process for the designer, forming wisdom from the body of research about midway. It's hard. I pace around...

How might we…?

Share your challenge with me on LinkedIn and let’s find out.